Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I will be calm

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="480" caption="Luckiest Girl Alive"]Good morning Missouir! You have horrible roads downtown and your drivers out here SUCK!! Why would you drive 47 mph on the freeway in the fast lane? Why would you leave 300 car spaces in front of you causing the traffic jam at 5 to be aired on the news?

I will calm down I will calm down I will calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOWEVER Missouri you redeem yourself by showering the town with snow flurries and sprinkles of rain during a Micro Center and Target run. Makes running errands a little more magical! ALSO I really love my neighborhood because its a wonderland of charm! So much better than the cookie-cutter blah in newer areas.

Recap of my birthday! All I have to say is that it was sweet and amazing I will let the pictures tell the story

Press on Chicky Chicks




Friday, February 3, 2012


I can smell retirement all ready guys and it smells great! I am turning 22 tomorrow and I am not excited about it. On a brighter note I did get this gorgeous baby early from Chris! Its so sophisticated an classy! Yay Happy birthday me!
