Dear Shepard & Haven,
I could not find your office for the life of me when I was coming in for my interview. I was almost late and to tell you the truth I almost gave up and almost did not go. I called my mom and said "I am not going this is ridiculous" I never told you guys that little tid bit. THANKFULLY I did end up finding your office. I wore a green button down that was 2 sizes too big for me and covered it up with a frumpy sweater. I was nervous and scared, and then walked in Ken and Joanne and Shari. My life changed after that interview. Thank you Ken for being shocked when I told you my age and still letting me work here. Thank you for always picking on me cuz I knew you did that to people you liked. Thank you for always always always getting cookies! Thank you for giving me advice and bringing in Marcus! Thank you for all the work you gave me and all the knowledge you installed in my head. I am going to miss working for you! You better read my blog!!!!!.
Ron I do not remember you right off the bat at the beginning. I was more scared of you at first than I was of Ken and then that changed and it was vice versa and so forth. I always knew you as the tall one who roamed the office, make a pit stop in the kitchen and then stroll back to your cave in the corner. Thank you for letting me work for you! Thank you for your support and advice on things! Thank you for bringing in sweets when Ken dropped the ball during the week =) Thank you for giving me the knowledge I need to be a really good paralegal! I will never find two attorneys who are kind hearted, caring, concerned about your life, funny and easy going as you and Ken! Thank you for the health insurance when I was sick too! Stuff like that really really make me appreciate the office I worked for and could not be any more blessed than I was, Ron you better read my blog too!!!!
Cheri you have been nothing but like a mother to me during my rough patches and it wasn't untill the downsize that we actually got to know each other. Thank you for always lending a helping hand and offering support and solutions to my problems. Thank you for encouraging me and being positive. I wont ever find another Cheri like you so keep in touch and read my blog! I will send pictures and come back and visit. I am never going to forget working with you!
Shari thank you for everything you have done! Thank you for letting me do Ken's IME's and being lenient about my days off. You were always fun to work with and I still want your recipeie for your cranberry white chocolate chip cookies. Thank you for always sharing your families stories too, It makes me not feel so bad that my family is crazy!
Jess your new years resolution is to learn to email or at least read my blog! You have taught me many things I needed to know to be a good paralegal! You will be able to figure out the printer when I am not there!
Trish, you were so much fun to work with! I wish I could have gotten to know you a bit more! Good news is you dont have to share my space anymore, its all yours so you can decorate it with stuff! I took the ducks and which helps make the space less juvinile.
Words cannot express how sad I am to leave but I also do not have words to express how blessed I am to have worked with such amazing amazing group of people! The best thing I am taking away from here today is friendships that will last longer than a work week! You guys are will always be family to me!
Thank you Shepard and Haven!!
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