It has been a very very long time since I have posted an update. A few important reasons why, but also a big reason is I lost my blogging drive. I did not have exciting things to blog about BUT today is your lucky day so take a seat, grab a coffee and prepare yourself for a long post.
First and for most we got a dog. Yep that is right we buckled down and adopted a chocolate lab mix puppy named Charlie! he drives me nuts but he is the cutest thing to set foot in the apartment
He loves running around in circles over and over again until he tires himself out and collapses on the floor. He seriously collapse like a dramatic diva when he is tired. He is about 99% house broken with the exception of a few incidents that almost made me give him up for adoption. He has not chewed up anything expensive except a few socks and my dress pants. At the end of the day though he is a keeper and he needs to grow into his little peanut head.
Next up, Pedro The Lion..
I got to meet David Bazan, of Pedro the Lion. He had this little intimate small play session at someone's house. There were maybe 40 people max and everyone was sitting around listening to him play. He has such an amazing voice. Very powerful and rich sounding. He brought his daughter along with him and she was so adorable. Lucky for me I got to take a picture and have a vinyl autographed. Woot go me!
Lets see, what else, Oh the 4th of July
This was our 4th of July view. Enough said!
I have to include a Cardinals game in the mix.
Best view so far. I almost caught a ball (not really) but in theory I almost did. I love going to Cardinals games. I love going to live sport games period. They are so much fun and exciting and way better than watching from home on the TV. So far they are doing pretty darn good this season. Lets hope they keep it up.
nanananananan BAT MAN!!!!!!!
Did you guys see the Bat Man premier movie? We saw it in the OmniMax theater. WOW my neck was killer the next day but so worth it. The movie was amazing. I'm pretty sure we are going to see it again on a regular screen.
Hope I did not bore you to death this time. At least I provided pictures because pictures are always fun to see.
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