My birthday weekend was absolutely lovely. Started off with me time on Saturday, family time and Superbowl fun on Sunday and of course I took the day off from work Monday because who wants to work on their actual birthday??? Not me that's for sure!
I had the pleasure of enjoying a nice breakfast and coffee at the Mud House. I told Chris I wanted coffee in a mug with a fancy design on top! My one and only request for my birthday (I am so easy-going) haha. My coffee was delicious and I also had the Veggie Sandwich and that was delicious too!. This place is a true gem shining away on the corner on Cherokee Street! I am so happy we came here. They have amazing reviews on Yelp, so add them to your "Places to drink fancy coffee" list.
BUTT WAIT THERE IS MORE!!!.....My big present for my birthday was ..........drum roll please..........A BIKE!!!!!!!!!! I wanted a bike for so long. I wanted a bike in CA, I wanted a bike when we moved here. I complained about not having a bike here and in CA. I became pretty annoying about the bike thing. Why didn't I get onE? because I did not want to spend the money on one and I didn't know much about bikes either.
Welp my annoying-ness paid off and Chris got me a bike, better yet he got me the bike days before my birthday and put it together in the garage and gave it to me a day early and not several days. This was truly amazing because he can't keep a gift a secret and he always shops the day of or the day before NEVER several days before! Double score!
I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous white and teal Scott trail bike!!! I love her!
My seat still needs to be lowered a bit because my pudgy short legs still tip toe the floor. I am so excited to ride it around the neighborhood and to Forest Park! I am even more excited to get cute bike accessories!
Also a birthday weekend would not be complete if there wasn't magical snow flurries falling to the ground!
Just breathtaking. It gets me every time! I still think its unreal that I live in an area where it snows and it looks like this afterwards!
Your pictures are beautiful. Happy belated Birthday again. I sooo miss you.
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