This is the new building I work in. I park across the street and walk by a Panera Bread or as they call it here "St. Louis Bread Co.
This is the office I work in. I took this picture on my second interview! eek good thing they didnt catch me in action
This is my swanky needs to be decorated office. I thought I was going to get a cube. I feel overwhelmed with the space, what am I supposed to do with all that wall space and a door that closes??????
This is by far the BEST part about the job. I get a access card. I have wanted one of theses since the day I was born. (okay not really) But for some reason I feel official and important having one of these on me.
This was taken on a good day, pre job, Its a cool view of the Arch that I have never been to yet. I'll make it there soon!
And this my friends is the weather this poor California girl has to deal with! I could complain about the cold and odd weather for AGES!!!!! but I do not want to keep you here all day!
Last rant I swear! ------On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the hardest and stressful and 1 being easy peezy lemon squeezy, My job is a 15! What have I gotten myself into???
Press on little Chickens
Hang in there...You work for a defense firm - they are way different than plaintiff firm....AND we were really really small. Welcome to the BIG world. You can so do this job!!!! Miss you!