Reality check Simone!!!! I did yard work on the first beautiful day in St. Louis this year. Instead of soaking up the sun, taking a walk, eating "Bon-Bons", I did yard work and my body is feeling it today.
On Saturday I chopped down ugly bushes, dean plants and anything that looked like it was never going to see life. Our grass is yellow and in pretty bad shape BUT it is slowly, very slowly at a glaciers pace coming together. it looks cleaner that's for sure.
On Sunday Chris helped with the front yard. We put new mulch in the front and it made a big difference. I still need to dig up the ugly dead plants growing along the walkway and plant pretty flowers and put down new mulch there as well. It's a work in progress. Our house no longer looks like the neglected house on the block!!! Woot!
I know what you are thinking over there, you are thinking to yourself "A twenty-something year old doing yard work on the weekend"???? Don't worry on Saturday we had dinner at Mission Taco because I deserved it!
On Sunday morning we had Donuts on art hill and soaked up a wee amount of sun before going to Lowe's and Home Depot 5 times... They recognize us!!!
How can I forget about Charles? The poor pup had an allergic reaction to something because his snout puffed up like a puffer fish..he was fine the next day though, so no worries.
This is a side view of our yard. Yes it all looks dead but trust me it looks so much cleaner now! We plan to put down new mulch where the dirt is.
If you look closely his left side in the picture still looks swollen compared to the right. This was the day after he turned into a blow fish.
This is part of the backyard. Those brown paper bags you see on the side, I filled up 10 of them!
Just a view from Mission Taco on Saturday night.
There was a marathon going on on Delmar on Sunday morning. It was neat seeing the different age range running.
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