Thursday, November 1, 2012

To Florida and Back

What has happened since July 2012?

Let me break it down for you in a nutshell.

I went to Florida and got my tan on, to bad it didn''t last long enough.


I purchased a house

It was the worst experience ever and it took 5 months to get it all done, from start to finish. I am never buying a house ever again!

I stepped into the home improvement world


I am so happy we got rid of this awful green. It was the first thing that needed to go. The green door is the next thing.



Friday, July 27, 2012

Long Over Due No Excuse Update

Good Morning people who actually read my blog.

It has been a very very long time since I have posted an update. A few important reasons why, but also a big reason is I lost my blogging drive. I did not have exciting things to blog about BUT today is your lucky day so take a seat, grab a coffee and prepare yourself for a long post.

First and for most we got a dog. Yep that is right we buckled down and adopted a chocolate lab mix puppy named Charlie! he drives me nuts but he is the cutest thing to set foot in the apartment


He loves running around in circles over and over again until he tires himself out and collapses on the floor. He seriously collapse like a dramatic diva when he is tired. He is about 99% house broken with the exception of a few incidents that almost made me give him up for adoption. He has not chewed up anything expensive except a few socks and my dress pants. At the end of the day though he is a keeper and he needs to grow into his little peanut head.

Next up, Pedro The Lion..


I got to meet David Bazan, of Pedro the Lion. He had this little intimate small play session at someone's house. There were maybe 40 people max and everyone was sitting around listening to him play. He has such an amazing voice. Very powerful and rich sounding. He brought his daughter along with him and she was so adorable. Lucky for me I got to take a picture and have a vinyl autographed. Woot go me!

Lets see, what else, Oh the 4th of July


This was our 4th of July view. Enough said!

I have to include a Cardinals game in the mix.


Best view so far. I almost caught a ball (not really) but in theory I almost did. I love going to Cardinals games. I love going to live sport games period. They are so much fun and exciting and way better than watching from home on the TV.  So far they are doing pretty darn good this season. Lets hope they keep it up.

nanananananan BAT MAN!!!!!!!


Did you guys see the Bat Man premier movie? We saw it in the OmniMax theater. WOW my neck was killer the next day but so worth it. The movie was amazing. I'm pretty sure we are going to see it again on a regular screen.

Hope I did not bore you to death this time. At least I provided pictures because pictures are always fun to see.

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Long Over Due No Excuse Update

Good morning people who actually take the time to read my blog

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I will be calm

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="480" caption="Luckiest Girl Alive"]Good morning Missouir! You have horrible roads downtown and your drivers out here SUCK!! Why would you drive 47 mph on the freeway in the fast lane? Why would you leave 300 car spaces in front of you causing the traffic jam at 5 to be aired on the news?

I will calm down I will calm down I will calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOWEVER Missouri you redeem yourself by showering the town with snow flurries and sprinkles of rain during a Micro Center and Target run. Makes running errands a little more magical! ALSO I really love my neighborhood because its a wonderland of charm! So much better than the cookie-cutter blah in newer areas.

Recap of my birthday! All I have to say is that it was sweet and amazing I will let the pictures tell the story

Press on Chicky Chicks




Friday, February 3, 2012


I can smell retirement all ready guys and it smells great! I am turning 22 tomorrow and I am not excited about it. On a brighter note I did get this gorgeous baby early from Chris! Its so sophisticated an classy! Yay Happy birthday me!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quick picture recap!


This is the new building I work in. I park across the street and walk by a Panera Bread or as they call it here "St. Louis Bread Co.



This is the office I work in. I took this picture on my second interview! eek good thing they didnt catch me in action


This is my swanky needs to be decorated office. I thought I was going to get a cube. I feel overwhelmed with the space, what am I supposed to do with all that wall space and a door that closes??????


This is  by far the BEST part about the job. I get a access card. I have wanted one of theses since the day I was born. (okay not really) But for some reason I feel official and important having one of these on me.


This was taken on a good day, pre job, Its a cool view of the Arch that I have never been to yet. I'll make it there soon!


And this my friends is the weather this poor California girl has to deal with! I could complain about the cold and odd weather for AGES!!!!! but I do not want to keep you here all day!


Last rant I swear! ------On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the hardest and stressful and 1 being easy peezy lemon squeezy, My job is a 15! What have I gotten myself into???



Press on little Chickens

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Updating Life

It has been a while since I have updated my blog, I know I have been neglecting it but honestly my brain has hit a block. I have had nothing exciting to blog about until today. The last week I have been job hunting like a maniac going into these high profile job interviews where once I walk in I feel like a tiny person in comparison to everyone else. I completely shut down and become intimidated because I am completely out of my element and confort zone. I cannot allow this to happen to me because I wil never grow in life being intimidated. Anywhos, I sucked it up and faked a big confident and landed a job! WOOOOO ME  I now have a job and no longer need to pinch my pennies and can stop stressing about becoming a low life. I am really excited about starting work. Also we finally bought a couch which I cant stop looking at. We purchased it from Restoration Hardware and it is so pretty and large and so freaken comfortable wow!! The apartment is slowly becoming a home finally and it has been snowing here the last few days. I like it from the inside ONLY! once you place me outside I become one freezing complainer. I will also mention that I had to walk 5 blocks in a blistering tundra too. Yeah I will always be a California girl who adores the sunshine and amazing weather. I am sharing with you a picture of flowers Chris got me for landing a job, the before and after of our living room and the new sofa! Hope you guys are having a good weekend!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ruffing it on a sudsy Monday

Hope you had a happy new year! We have spent the last 3 days unpacking and getting our life in order. The apartment is slowly coming together, we have the bathrooms, the kitchen, the office and part of the living room together. We still have a ridiculous amount of things to still get done and some how we manage to always come home hauling something up to the apartment if we leave to run errands. Tonight is my first time at a laundromat. The apartment charges you to use the wash and dry in the basement and we figured it would be cheaper to go to a laundromat. Let me tell you it is not that much cheaper. We forgot our detergent an had to purchase dinky box ones from the vending machine which left us short change and a load that will have to wait for next time. This task will take a bit to grow on me, I think it's because I have been spoiled with an in-home laundry up until now. I love the idea of being out an about away from all the packing though. It's kind of like a mini field trip. Ohhhh and how can I forget to mention that I made Belgium waffles for the first time ever this morning. I won't lie they were the BEST!!


